Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Angry Birds Hash

Hello Wankers, Discussions were had at last night's trail re: what a "Hash Trash" is? That made me realize that no one has written one up in a while. I will try and attempt one, and will allow myself to be corrected by the current Scribe if he did in fact take notes.

Disclaimer: No notes were actually taken, all is from memory or fabricated.

Trail: the Angry Birds Hash 8/3/11
Hares: Twat My Mom & Clit Notes
Bag Car: Willy Wonka and the Back Door Factory

The Pack: Dirty Latte Sanchez, Sketchy Ho, The Butler Hit It, Yankee Pay $5 More, Jello Wrecked 'Em, CPA, The 2nd Cumming, Spoonful of Semen, Peppermint Pussy, Bend Over Mommy, Goat Throat, Frontrunning Bork Bork Bork, +2 Coonass, Yellow Dick Gnome, Stick It to the Bros, X Marks My Twat, Dribbles, Cherry Poppin' Paddy, Nice Tits, Mexican Humping Queen, Vagaterian, Mangina, Oink Oink Ohh!, Goes Down on Buoys,and more that I cannot recall. Just Prezel, Just Mike, Just Max, Just Dave, Just Many Others... (see Disclaimer above, or hurry up and get named)

Visitors: Pork Boy from Baltimore; Just Baker from somewhere; female hasher from Burlington; male hasher from Chicago; and others. (see Disclaimer above)

11 Virgins: one wore a boa, one was a very tall slender woman, many looked like angry birds

Chalk Talk: I, Nice Tits, tried to get everyone assembled and explained marks to our 11 virgins, who promptly forgot them within 5 minutes. Introductions were made, virgins were sized up by the rest of us, and then we all sang about Father Abraham before heading out.

If you want to make birds (or hashers dressed like birds) angry, all you have to do is circle jerk them around the Longwood Medical area ending with a very long drawn out hill. The 1st part ended up having an interesting cross of the J-Way that almost decreased pack size, but luckily only ended up with many horns being honked and no fatalities. 1st BC was outside the Bird Sanctuary in Brookline after we ran along wooden boardwalks; 2nd was in between parking garages at Beth Israel hospital. This was where Just Max decided to shimmy down a rusty pole to reach the pack when he was mistakenly 2 floors above while Buoys yelled encouragement. We finally made our way around the projects and through a park (at this point it was dark and many people fell) and up Mission Hill where we ended in an even darker parking lot

Circle: Mommy took over RA, while I (T*ts) went back to collecting your $$$

Virgins: Too many to count, were demented in quiz show style with 3 questions being asked by Yellow. Only 2 virgins knew that we were there to drink Beer... bad sponsors, bad!

Visitors: listed somewhere above sang a short non-verse song. Boo.


  • Just Baker tried to give a false name, so he was made to drink along with
  • Paddy (a reformed self-namer)
  • Blood on trail - at least Peppermint and CPA went down, cannot recall the rest as I did not push them
  • Yankee had to drink for getting so lost that he ended up at Circle 2/3 of the way through
Best Dressed: Nominations were made, and the winners included Oink Oink for her amazingly home knit blue angry bird hat and throw balls. She swears she is not a spinster and "her friend" made them. Bork Bork Bork won for dressing like a Blue Man Group reject, or at least one who was colored blind, in a full green body suit covering his face and hands. He somehow still managed to drink his down down beer in this. What a talented Swede!

  • 2 very long trails are coming up: Ball Buster's Labored Day Run on Saturday 9/3 and the 3rd Annual Pearl Necklace (East Side!) on 10/15. Both promise 13+ miles, have rego beforehand and a cap in the number that can be accommodated. Contact +2 for info on the 9/3 Ball Buster version, and either Nice T*ts or Anal Beads for the Pearl Necklace on 10/15. There are rumors that IEC may be helping to hare the later.
  • If you like free beer, come to the Summer BBQ. 1230 HST on 8/13, there will be a short trail and free food. Check the list for more emails re: start location
That pretty much ends what I can remember or make up. Oh, we ate wraps and pizza and there was an on-after at The Crossing.

Thanks to Twat and Clit Notes for setting this trail, and Willy for getting all our sh*t to the end!

-T*ts (1/2 RA, Scribe, and Hash Cash for this trail)

BOM Says Other things which should be included in this Hash Trash:
  • Just Max For sliding down said aforementioned Pole has now been named:Tetnus in my Rectus.
  • Also Named was Just Mike. For a story about being an army helicopter pilot and falling asleep at the helm along with his co-pilot he iis now know as: Black Cock Down.
  • Please address your Hash brothers accordingly from now on...-on