Thursday, July 2, 2015

In Da Panties #9

What: In da panties day #9
Who: Nice Tits, Clit Notes, THE 2nd Cumming
(Twat My Mom as Bag Car)
Where: Saco’s Flatbread bowling

Just transplant from Maine, Just Ginger, Bloody Slipinside, Udder Whore, Anal Disco, Papa Johnson, High Anus, Pat My Fly, Yankee Pay $5 More, Friar Fuck, Orgasmn Falmon, Willy Wonka and the Backdoor Factory, Blowbot, Just Jeff, Blondie McFucksAlot, Queer and Foaming in my Anus, Wikipedophilia, Easy as 123, Bum Fucking Vagabond, Necrophiliac Jack, Vaganacologist, Gaywol, Whack A Hole, Probably Others.


I got there shortly before pack away was called, but finally was given possession of a beautiful hot-pink tech shirt from Harlot (via Udder). After “sipping” random hashers beers (because I didn’t have enough time to buy my own), pack away was called and the bag car instructed us to shove our bags into the back seat of his car through the open windows. Challenge accepted, we moved down the street to have circle.


Was a bit of a spectical as bloody tried to get us to say “whose panties we wanted to take off” but apparently that was too weird for the hash so we changed it to “whose panties do you like the most” I vaguely recally Blonde winning this contest, though Bloody’s tickle me boxers were a big hit too.

Trail, no, wait it’s a false, no, wait it’s a check back…#1:

Starting from the parking lot we ran across some road then between the starbucks and chipotele onto Elm(?) street (I don’t live there…yet…so give me a pass on names), and ran immiediately into our first Panty Swap check in front of the Amsterdamn Falafel place. I swapped my granny panties for some blue things that were so small I nearly got a paper cut putting them on, but, of course, the main attraction was watching all the moggles cheer (or jeer) us on, or walk past with dismissive, pretentious and I’ll call it straight up jealousy looks. From there trail rightish and around a block around Davis, through a parking lot and then coming to a check before turning I’ll call it north back towards the VFW post at the end of Davis. At the check, I decided to mark which way trail was the the W/arrow and some kids yelled at me for “drawing a W” on their street. Kidz these days have no respect for semi-adult alcoholics running around in underwear! After ignoring the terroritially challenged youth, we came upon a panty swap infront of a somewhat nice looking restaurant, and after running out a long YBF (or was it a check back, I zenned over a block and found pack again), trail turned towards the bike path. ”Knowing” that trail couldn’t head back towards Davis, we found trail heading down the path and turning off roughly towards powder house. At the end of a very long false, we found just jeff yelling onon, while standing on a YBF. He seemed very proud of himself. Not wanting to retrace our steps any more than nessarcy, BFV and I followed High Anus (always a bad idea) parallel to the bike path back to Davis waiting for trail to come back out. Watching pack turn through Davis and run on the other side of the street from where trail was marked originally, I stayed back and waited until something useful (check, beer near, etc) was called, but eventually saw, and heard another check back ring out through the pack as they turned and ran back towards me. Trail ran a block behind Davis again before crossing over to the bike path towards Alewife. We checked behind the iron mimes and turned a block before crossing back over the path via a tit check to a beer near to Shorn Scrotums house!

BC Shorn:

Not only was this a beer check, it was a good beer beer check! Yes, there was PBR but there was also plenty of Whale Tale (I just got that joke as I typed it) and some Founders in the coolers as well. We milled about and wonder about how well layed that trail was, since total distance was about 100 yards from the start, but we somehow ended up closer to two miles, with trail coming dangerously close to overlapping itself multiple times! The hares left and we followed, though there was some confusion in the difference between a recycling bin a Twats feet.

Trail Not as Many Check Backs:

After a nice yog through some cool open-air condo complex (and a weird stare by one the residents) trail turned up a hill to head vaguely towards Teele Square. As I was running along, I was on plus two or three, I noticed a really steep hill to my left and, since I was FRB, decided that nothing would be lost by scouting up it; worst case scenario I’ll catch up to pack on Holland street. Best case scenario, I find evidence of a check back because chalk marks appeared out of no where on the other side of the hill. Yelling OnOn and seeing the pack follow me (did anyone run out that check back?), we quickly got to Teele Square and a panty swap outside the fire station. Somehow from there I checked a two and out, then ran up an unmarked hill before running back and finding pack had disappeared. I followed distant whistles until I caught up to Udder strolling up a hill and walked with her to the summit where I could hear the Bear Near be called out and we ran down the hill to the beer. Somehow I went from FRB to panty check to DFL to beer? Whatever.

BC Cums Off:

(Note: Is that his name? Cums off with his thumbs off? Opposable Dumbs?) Whatever.
More whale tale and PBR and water. Apparently God (G, Allah, Gnesh, of whoever RAs callude with to get good weather), prefers Krusty’s blow jobs to Bloodys as it started to drizzle as we were drinking, though the majority of the storm passed us by. Bloody says it was because he didn’t play with the balls. Though the Deitiy must’ve finished anyway because the shower didn’t last long, once we all were wet we moussed on out, and back up hill towards Tufts and the final leg of trail.

Trail Tight-Rope:

               Trail was marked in white up the other side of the hill that we ran down, which explains why I didn’t see any marks on Broadway. After cresting the hill and turning lets call it right, we sprinted out into the Tufts campus, where we were immediately waylaid by a Turkey/Eagle. Feeling adventurous, I chose the eagle, which was nothing more than circumnavigating the tennis courts on a two-foot-wide parapet about 10 or more feet off the ground, which required us (HA, Easy, Mommy and I) to slowly walk around while pack disappeared into the distance. Apparently the FRBing eagles had run on the ledge but fuck that, I quiet enjoy living. Eventually we caught up, and passed the walkers before catching up to the tail of pack as we got to the On-In at Squirrel’s house.


Squirrel (I think that’s his name, he’s a burner/Disco Jockey’s friend), was on grill duty and was already hard at work. There were chips and PBR aplenty and as soon as the walkers arrived, Bloody started up circle.


It took a while for things to get going – and the hares was pretty lack luster – but the hares sang drink a little bit, fuck a little bit and that got the crowd going. After the requisite you should’ve used more flour and chalk, the hares were dismissed and a cry went out for virgins but there were none! Come on guys, some In Da Panties virgins have gone on to do great things, others have been 2nd. None the less we called in In Da Panties virgins and made them drink, perhaps there will be greatness in them too. After than came in Transplants – the Just from Maine, we asked her one simple question; did she tell her friends she was leaving? Yes! Great! We’ll take her. She then sang us some 311 (maybe) song and we decided we needed to invite her to karoeke.  We accused anyone who didn’t wear panties or who ended trail wearing the same panties they started with. They were stupid maybe? We then accused late comers, and Oink Oink drank, as did all the former GMs, followed by racist attire and Oink Oink and the formers drank again. Then plans had been laid and preparations made and the person who laid all the check backs and false was called into circle. For some strange reason, those who ran them out volunteered to join circle, and we will see their foolishness in the next sentence. The rest of the hares joined second and the FRBs and we asked for a note. Of all the notes to choose, we chose Old McDonald. Let me tell you he has a large farm; cows, dogs, snakes, some animal I didn’t know, maybe others. As we were signing our foolish targets began stripping – 2nd I believe was butt naked. Old McDonald has an inland sea on his farm with some sharks in it, so we all started “Swimming” around our prey, then “WHALE” was called out and we all stepped back and blew our spouts of beer at the hares and the FRBs. Circle was beginning to fall apart, but there was more beer so we rallied with July birthdays. As we stood around waiting to wish our October fuck trophies a happy birthday (I did the math right) Twat suggested we do a spank tunnel, to which Bloody replied, “What’s a spank tunnel?” Any doubts as to how this night would end were erased and we formed up, legs spread, in a semi circle and forced Blondie, Second, Bloody and some other people, on their hand and knees as they crawled through 40-some-odd pairs of slapping hands. Bloody attempted to buck all of us off him, and some survived more than others, eventually we re-circled and wished them a million years filled with a billion beers. Circle, having been physically destroyed by the spank tunnel was beginning to actively fall apart, so we swang low.

On – 1 year until In Da Panties 2016 – On



MOON TRAIL TONIGHT: Christophers, 1930 Mass. Ave, Cambridge, MA.
(Right across from the Porter Square T Stop). Hash Cash $5, Hares are Dry Hose and Luva Lamp

Next Wednesday: Hashing of the Bulls! Naco Taco, 297 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, Hare Twat My Mom, Goes Down on Bouys

July 10/11/12: Burlington Invihash, sign up!

July 17th: 1st (ever?) Pink Taco Menstrual Cycle – It’s a BASH! Starts at Slumbrew brew tent in Assembly. Bring your bike (open to burritos with bag car passes)

July 31st: The second (blue) moon trail of the month. Starting at Mirircle of Science! $5, Luarance my Labia and Bum Fucking Vagabond.

August 14,15,16 – GAP Weekend! Sign up

September 27th: NERD (the official one) I think the rego’s on the Northboro H3 facebook group?

October 3rd: AGM! Sign up for Mismanagment Positions. It’s fun, I promise!

Novemember: Sadie Hawkins!

December: Antibuffet!

Feburary: Moon away!

April 15,16,16: Marathon Weekend!

May: NURD (the unofficial one)

July: IN DA PANTIES 10!!!

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